Our young professionals represent a diversified global market. We feel in order for our students to be more competitive in a global market, it is no longer enough to know about just his or her own community. We must educate students as a world community. Internships, volunteering, studying abroad, pre-college programming and learning from mentors prepares students for their future careers. Students choose to participate in our programs for the opportunity to advance their career prospects, leverage their skills, grow their professional networks and engage in the American workplace and culture. Students are empowered to expand their worldview and make an impact on American culture.
Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” We are giving students the tools to build for a better tomorrow. We believe that knowledge is power. Our scholars are dedicated to education and change. They represent a diversified global market.
The Foundation for Global Education offers supplemental academic support through scholarships to attend long-standing pre-college summer programs, study abroad programs, and internship and volunteer programs. During FGE programs, students receive extensive assistance from program leaders, teachers, advisors, supervisors and mentors.
The FGE recruits a student population from diverse schools and fields of study worldwide, enrolling students who enjoy cultivating diverse connections and who are committed to personal enrichment. The FGE educational and cultural programs give international students the opportunity to travel, live, volunteer and build relationships in the United States, fully immersing students in the American culture.