U.S. Host Company contacts FGE to join one of our cultural exchange programs.
We recruit talented university students from around the world to work with American companies, promoting diversity and cultural exchange in the workplace. Our expertise, extensive networks, and dedication to offering interns and volunteers a rewarding, personalized program have resulted in extremely valuable working experiences.
Benefits to your company include:
Exceptional candidates – All applicants are screened and evaluated for program participation based on their educational and professional work experience. FGE participants are well rounded with exceptional technical skills. FGE matches applicants who fit your position criteria, possess the educational background and/or work experience, and have the skill sets that lead to success.
Mentoring Opportunity – Your staff will have the opportunity to help enhance the career path of a talented young professional. Through our Matching Process, we work with students and employers on defining learning goals for a successful placement.
Screened – All applicants are screened for English language and technical skills.
Visa paperwork handled – FGE will provide your selected interns with the necessary documents to obtain their visas in a timely manner.
Housing Arrangements – FGE places students into homestay accommodation within appropriate traveling distance of the work site.
Accident and health insurance – All interns and volunteer carry health insurance while on program. Your company need not provide insurance.
Step 1
Step 2
FGE screens and pre-selects candidates based on the Host Company’s Intern job description
Step 2
Step 3
FGE matches students with Host companies
Step 4
Host Company makes the final selection of the candidates
Step 4
Step 5
FGE arranges administrative details including visa and homestay arrangements
Step 6
Host Company welcomes FGE program participants as they join its team
Step 6
Step 7
FGE provides on-going support during the entire program